Sunday, September 20, 2015

DYU Art Cafe

Decided to go out for lunch and DYU Art Cafe was a recommended venue on a expat site. Took over an hour to get here from my apartment as it is in Koramangala which is to the south of where I live and you have to pass through some heavy traffic. 

In any case, Its quite a lovely little place. Tons of outdoor seating and nice atmosphere. Tables could have used a used a wipe though :) 

Ordered a French press which came in an actual Bodum. Also ordered an veggie omlette as it is the only thing on the menu that I can actually eat on this diet (even on maintainence) 

The coffee was quite good, albeit a bit on the strong side. The bodum mesh needs to be replaced as it was now allowing grinds to get through. 

Of course it came with bread which I won't eat. I wish I remembered to tell them (but come to think of it wasn't on the menu either :) 

The veggies inside, peppers, tomoatoes, mushrooms, carrots, onions were crisp and fresh and a heavy use of butter made it pretty tasty. It will take 3 protiens, my restricted veg and 1 fat off the daily allowance. 

I'm glad I didn't order it with cheese as it would have been too much (although it said it was a cheese Omelette, I think I confused them when I asked for "just veg" in it. 

Music was quite modern, alternartive rock (and all English) the 30 minutes that I was there.

A bit unfortanate that they don't have wifi, but then again, I read a few pages from an e-book I'm struggling with (the book is good, I just keep folrgetting I have it! lol.) Its called the Thief Covanent by Ari  Marmell. I've been using it as inspriation for a D&D 5th edition campaign I'm running right now. Using it for settings and such. 

Cozy little corners, but as I mentioned, they could use a more frequent wipe with being outdoors and also due to the lattes and capacinos. 

I liked the use of the sewing table base as a coffee table base. The wheel spins and the pedal can be pumped as they are not fixed in place. 

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