Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Flight home

Having become a vegetarian and not selecting the vegetarian food as a special meal was probably a mistake, but I'll survive. The veg option had rice in it which I don't eat and the veggies were carrots which I also generally avoid ( ate 1/2 of them).

I had some protein bars, brought an apple, some nuts and some dried fruit with me which have been some healthy options.

I believe that there is fruit available for breakfast so let's see what happens. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Been a while

With two out of three family members here for two weeks followed by Diwali, it's been a tough time on the diet. Virtually all meals were eaten out at a hotel or restaurant and often buffet style. But I was pretty good! 

Since I have up meat (I was formerly s vegetarian for 15 years and seeing the condition that animals live in India....well I won't get preachy) and  alcohol (which itself is a lot of carbs) my choices were somewhat limited.

Lots of chickpeas and paneer. Luckily I seem to be able to tolerate the fresh fruit without getting sick.

And I did eat the occasional dessert but overall I stuck to the diet, recorded everything and maintained portion control as best as I could. Since we had several long drives I brought along plenty of protein bars. Net-net I was up about 1kg after these three weeks, so I was pretty happy with that result. 

I got back into my running routine and I'm preparing for an upcoming 10km run here in Bangalore early Dec. (2 weeks away!).

Back down to 84.5 right where I am suppose to be! 

We discovered South Indian filter coffee during the holidays and I've become totally addicted. I have 5 filter machines in my luggage for gifts for people back home.

Speaking of home, I'm traveling this evening at 3:45 am and will be back in Ottawa by 3 or 4 pm on Thursday local time.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

(Barber did such a good job that an orchid sprouted from my head)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lunch at Coconut Grove

Wow fantastic and fits in with the diet.   

Rasam, which is a spicy soup, is pretty much free.
Then Iddiyappam and Chana kadalacurry as a main.  Are about a cup of the chickpeas and 1 of the iddiyappam and I was stuffed. This counts as 3 proteins, 1 starch, 2 oil, 

And the place is pretty cool. 

And the coffee was superb! Mixed with ginger it was great for the onset of this stupid cold. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Breakfast at Koshy's

This is a famous American style breakfast joint here in Bangalore. 

Had a Spanish omelet (which had carrots in it?". For the sake of the diet this was 4 proteins, a fat, and one restricted veg. 

I obviously didn't touch the fries. 

Coffee was pretty darn good too! 

Up a bit

Friday's are the day where I look back over the week and see how is the maintainence program going.

Last week I had a bit of an aberration and was down to 184.5. End of this week (start of the new) I'm back to 188.5.

I cut out all alcoholic drinks a few days ago and added a little bit of carbs (had a parata but more on that later). 

I added the running back this week and had a 8.9 and 6 km run/walk combination. I'm preparing for my first 10km which will be here in Bangaluru the first week of Dec. 

A mid week last week it looked like I was a course to hit 191lbs so I'm glad I made a few corrections. I cut out 1 fat and 1 protein a day. 

I've also been mildly sick with a sore throat (it's going around at work) and feel a little bit like I'm in a fog (also a common description from those at work). Hopefully it ends soon. 

Back pain is pretty much unbearable and constant. It wasn't going away by not running so I might as well run (I feel like shit when I don't exercise) odd how that has changed in the past months! 

Just enjoying a cup of tea on the balcony in the morning sun before heading into the office.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Fried mushroom are fantastic in the diet. They look huge to start, shrink and absorb some flavours, fry up nicely and are fun to eat! Here I had a 2ounce or 2 servings of some mild Cheddar cheese from England that I got from the international food store (Nature's basket). Terribly over priced but difficult to find elsewhere.

As usual, I have some Indian style pickles which are pretty oily so you have to count those in.